ADAPT Lead Dr. Haithem Afli invited to participate in workshop on Migration and Asylum Governance Technologies

06 November 2023

ADAPT are thrilled to announce that Dr. Haithem Afli, ADAPT Centre lead at Munster Technological University, has been invited to participate in the forthcoming “Forecasting and New Technologies in Migration and Asylum Governance” workshop. This event is organised by the European Migration Network (EMN) Luxembourg and will be held on Tuesday, 7th November 2023, at the University of Luxembourg.

Dr. Haithem Afli’s invitation to this exclusive event is a testament to his expertise and contributions to the field of the application of Artificial Intelligence and data analytics in migration and asylum governance. This workshop, titled “Forecasting and New Technologies in Migration and Asylum Governance: State of Play and New Developments”, is a pivotal gathering of experts, practitioners, and EMN National Contact Points (NCPs) from across Europe.

The primary focus of this event is to address the complexities and significance of forecasting migration, an integral aspect of migration management while respecting Ethics and AI regulations. The workshop will mark the second capacity building event organized by EMN Luxembourg, aimed at bringing together key stakeholders, including representatives of international organizations, EU agencies, Member States, and academia. The objective is to provide a platform for knowledge sharing, discussions, and exchange of ideas on the current state of forecasting models in migrations, the challenges encountered, and the future of forecasting in migration management.