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Dr Haithem Afli is a faculty member at Cork Institute of Technology and has over 12 years of R&D experience in the Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning research and applications space in industry and academia. He is one of the Funded Investigators in the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) funded ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology, where his primary focus is on ML and Natural Language Processing (NLP). He is leading the Machine Learning research group ADAPT@CIT, lectures in the area and has been giving invited talks in Ireland and abroad on the applications of the ML and NLP. His research interests are primarily in the areas of Machine Translation, Sentiment Analysis, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. He joined CIT in 2018 from Dublin City University (DCU) where he was a member of the ADAPT Machine Translation (MT) team. There he was responsible for managing the ADAPT Social Media and User-Generated Content research group. He worked on a range of NLP projects from MT and Sentiment Analysis to Multimodal and Multilingual document alignment. After completing his undergraduate degree in Computer Science, he obtained an MSc in Computational Linguistics from Grenoble University (in France) in 2010 and a PhD in Computer Science from Le Mans University(in France) in 2014. As an academic researcher, he is keen to commercialise his research with industry partnerships and he is actively involved in managing academia-industry partnership projects. He is currently supervising five PhD students and two postdoctoral researchers all working in the application of ML and NLP. This will give all projects an excellent support environment for the proposed research. Dr Afli is involved in several national, European (H2020) and International projects focussed respectively on the application of ML and NLP in Digital Health, 5G technology, AgriTech and security. He also has close working relationships and joint projects with a range of companies in the Machine Learning and NLP and its applications space both in Ireland and Europe.