AI in My Life Lessons

AI in My Life aims to educate, empower and embolden Transition Year students to reflect on their experiences in a world shaped increasingly by AI. The lessons below provide teachers with resources (presentations, teacher guides, activity sheets, etc.) for each of the five workshops that make up the AI in My Life series. Lessons can be taken individually, thereby giving you flexibility based on the available class time.

Lesson 1: Introduction to AI

AI is playing an ever-greater role in society. This Introduction to AI lesson gives students an understanding of AI and some of its characteristics, helps them understand what we mean by “intelligence” and familiarises them with sample uses of AI.

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Lesson 2: AI and Ethics

This AI and Ethics lesson looks at how AI affects the wider public and society, and what kind of ethical and privacy issues we might consider when developing or using such technologies.

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Lesson 3: AI and the Future of Work

This module introduces students to how AI is transforming the world of work. They will learn how AI will disrupt some jobs while replacing others, hear examples of the role that AI is already playing in many industries, and they’ll explore the multidisciplinary nature of AI.

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Lesson 4: AI Careers

This module highlights to students the wide variety of careers and future study options available to those interested in working with AI. Students will hear from AI professionals about their work and learn how to find out about relevant options for further study.

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AI in My Life also has a 2-hour taster workshop designed to give students and teachers a flavour of the programme content. It can be taken before or independent of the other lessons.

AI in My Life Taster Lesson

The AI in My Life taster lesson provides an introduction to some of the key topics covered in the broader AI in My Life workshop series, including an introduction to AI, exploration of the transformative nature of AI, and consideration of some of the privacy and ethics implications of AI.

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