ADAPT Academic organises upcoming workshop on Natural Language Processing for Political Sciences, PoliticalNLP 2024, at LREC-COLING-2024

20 December 2023

ADAPT academic Dr Haithem Afli (MTU) recently announced that PoliticalNLP 2024, a workshop on Natural Language Processing for Political Sciences, will be held in conjunction with LREC-COLING-2024 next May in 2024. The workshop will spotlight the theme of Opportunities and Challenges of Generative AI and LLMs in Social and Political Sciences Research and is scheduled from May 20th to May 25th 2024. The workshop will be held in Torina, Italia. In line with the workshop’s thematic focus, they invite papers that delve into the realm of GenAI within the context of Social Sciences. 

Dr Haithem Afli said on the upcoming workshop:

“We’re excited to explore advancements and discussions around the applications, opportunities, and challenges presented by Generative AI and Large Language Models in the landscape of social and political sciences.”

Submission deadline is March 1st 2023 and accepted papers proceedings will be published in the ACL Anthology. For additional information and updates on the conference, please visit their website at PoliticalNLP 2024: