Alberto Poncelas

Alberto is a postdoctoral researcher at ADAPT Centre. His research interests include Machine Translation and NLP. Currently he investigates the indirect translation in NMT. He hold a PhD in Machine Translation from Dublin City University and a M.Sc. in Machine Learning from the University of the Basque Country. He has also worked as a Software and Big Data Engineer.


I work on the subject of neural style transfer in text as a PhD researcher in collaboration between universities of Rennes1, and TU Dublin. I have finished the second year of my project here.

Wandri Jooste

Wandri is a PhD student working on Neural Machine Translation, focussing on domain adaptation and knowledge-distillation for sustainable NMT.

Pintu Lohar

Pintu Lohar is currently working as a Post Doctoral Researcher in ADAPT Centre. His area of interest is Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing and analysis of social media data.