Upcoming Symposium on Data Governance and AI with ADAPT Interim Director and PROTECT

ADAPT Interim Director Prof. Dave Lewis will be taking part in the upcoming International Symposium on Governing Artificial Intelligence: Designing legal and Regulatory Responses as part of the PROTECT ITN, PhD Training Network. The symposium will be taking place on the 23rd May in Brussels, Belgium. This event is open to all with early stage researchers especially welcome.

Event details:

The symposium will examine the legal and regulatory challenges posed in the fourth industrial revolution by the advent of AI. Contributors to the symposium engage creatively with the benefits offered by AI, dangers posed and potential legal and regulatory approaches. 

AI brings unparalleled opportunities but significant ethical, legal, and regulatory challenges, raising issues that frequently transcend national boundaries. Algorithmic engagement with big data, machine learning, autonomous vehicles, and roboadvisors (to name but a few) are challenging incumbent practices and firms. This evolution gives rise to new issues which hold significance, not just for private parties, but for governments, legislators, regulators, policymakers, and courts and, more broadly, for how fields of law respond to AI’s emergence. Can law and regulation be optimised to address the challenges posed without unduly stifling innovation?

Register for free here.


PROTECT are a unique multidisciplinary, cross academic-industry and international European Training Network (ETN), funded under the EU’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions to train a new generation of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) as PhD graduates. The network investigates methods to protect the rights and interests of individuals impacted by the continuous large-scale analysis of personal data, while still enabling the economy and society to benefit from rapid innovation in digital applications that use this data and thereby underpin the Digital Single Market.