Posted: 31/08/16
At conferences, tech events and in the news the idea of intelligent machines has become a regular feature. This trend has also been reflected in a relatively new MeetUp group in Dublin called ‘Machine Learning Dublin’. This month the group, which was established by the ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology, will celebrate acquiring over 1000 members when it holds its sixth event in Dogpatch Labs in the CHQ Building on the 29th August. Made up of students, professionals and individuals interested in what the future has in store, the Machine Learning Dublin group has received both interest and support from industry leaders including Nitro, Boxever, Bank of Ireland, Deutsche Bank and Zalando who have all sponsored events.
Already technology giants such as Apple, Intel and Google are competing to acquire Machine Learning (ML) startups in the race to establish a foothold in the next technological revolution. Machine Learning systems can be trained to ‘learn’ without being programmed to perform a specific task. Data is fed into the system which then begins to recognise patterns allowing it draw meaningful conclusions. Machine Learning has been credited with revitalising the Artificial Intellligence (AI) industry, improving the effectiveness of large technology companies including improvements to the Facebook newsfeed algorithms.
Founding member and Senior Research Software Architect at the ADAPT Centre, Arturo Calvo says: “The Data Science community in Dublin is growing at an amazing pace, and this is reflected in the number of attendees and the increasing interest by companies and institutions to host our MeetUp. Machine Learning is one of the ADAPT Centre’s core competencies and the Centre hosts one of the largest groupings of ML specialists in Ireland. When we established this group we wanted to encourage and foster the wider community’s interest in ML by holding regular meetings with guest speakers. The ADAPT Centre then curates and disseminates ML based information and ideas. Networking plays a key role at these events, connecting students and professionals and encouraging the sharing of ideas.”
The next Machine Learning Dublin MeetUp group will be sponsored by Deutsche Bank and will feature presentations by John Doyle, Assistant VP of R&D at Deutsche Bank, Paulito Palmes from IBM Research, and Ana Peleteiro, Data Scientist at Zalando. Registration for the event is via the MeetUp page. Machine Learning Dublin hosts a MeetUp on the final Monday of every month.
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