The Human-Computer Interaction@UCD Seminar: Is Alexa Perpetuating Sexism? The Impact of Virtual Assistant (VA) Use on Stereotypical Gender Views

The Human-Computer Interaction@UCD Seminar Series are excited to be joined by Dr. Madeleine Steeds, Post-Doctoral Researcher working with the Schools of Information and Communication and Business Studies at University College Dublin. Dr. Steeds’ research focuses on the impact of voice assistants on gender stereotypical views in society, and explores the application of social and cognitive psychology in human-computer interaction.
‘Is Alexa Perpetuating Sexism? The Impact of Virtual Assistant (VA) Use on Stereotypical Gender Views’
In their talk, Dr. Steeds will introduce the concern of home voice assistants (VAs) such as Amazon’s Alexa predominantly using female voices, and discuss the risk of directing a female-coded voice in your house to undertake low competence tasks as evokes the image of a stereotypical housewife. Furthermore, there is little data investigating the link between using feminine VAs and gender stereotypical views. In this talk, research investigating this link will be presented and the role of the nature of the task explored.
Our seminars are held each month, followed by a brief Q&A session. This seminar will take place on Monday 27th November at 2pm (IST) for 1 hour via Zoom.
If you would like to attend the seminar, please register via this link:
We look forward to (virtually) seeing some of you there!