New Research Utilises Ireland’s Twitter Landscape to Investigate Immigrant Integration in Irish Society

21 October 2022

ADAPT Academic, Dr Muhammad Atif Qureshi (Technological University Dublin), has recently published a paper on Ireland’s Twitter landscape and how it relates to migrant and native activists on the platform. The paper, titled “XAI Analysis of Online Activism to Capture Integration in Irish Society Through Twitter” was co-authored by Arjumand Younus (Technological University Dublin), Mingyeong Jeon (Technological University Dublin), Arefeh Kazemi (University College Dublin), and Simon Caton (University College Dublin).

Online activism over Twitter has assumed a multidimensional nature, especially in societies with abundant multicultural identities. This case study aims to capture the level to which immigrants are integrated into Irish society and study the similarities and differences between their characteristic patterns by delving into the features that play a significant role in classifying a Twitterer as a migrant or a native. The authors aim to provide a window into the level of integration and harmony in modern Irish society.

This publication forms part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series and has emanated from research conducted with the support of the Irish Research Council and with the financial support of Science Foundation Ireland at the ADAPT SFI Research Centre.