Creating Tomorrow's World Webinar: FinTech

Webinar series

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The next in the Creating Tomorrow’s World webinar series will focus on FinTech.

Register online here.

In recent times, financial services have seen huge changes which have attracted the attention of investors, consumers, academics, and regulators from all over the world.

This webinar will feature three speakers who will analyse the opportunities and challenges facing consumers and businesses alike and how technology is reshaping the future of financial services.


Dr Nicola Stokes is IDA’s Technologist for International Financial Services where she has responsibility for winning FDI technology investment opportunities in insurance, investment management, aviation financing, banking and payments. Before joining IDA she worked for Science Foundation Ireland managing their portfolio of AI investments.

Nicola also has 15 years’ experience managing AI related RDI projects and working with multinational companies in diverse domains such as life sciences, health informatics, smart cities, and media analytics.

Dr Robert Ross, Senior Lecturer at Technological University Dublin where he teaches masters level courses on Deep Learning and leads the Applied Intelligence Research Centre. Robert’s primary research interest is in Situated Intelligent Systems and their applications across domains from eldercare to financial technology.

Ray Richardson is Global Head of Advanced Analytics at Deutsche Bank.  Ray’s work involves leading initiatives to harness advanced data analytics and data science and is a leader in implementing innovation within the enterprise.


Date: 28th September 2021

Time: 10:00 – 11:00 AM

Register online here.