ADAPT Researcher Publishes Paper on Mood Monitoring Smartwatch App in ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction

04 September 2023

ADAPT Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Camille Nadal (Trinity College Dublin), recently published a study in the ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, to present the Mood Monitor smartwatch app for mood and lifestyle habits self-monitoring. Dr Nadal and colleagues investigated patient acceptance of the app within a routine 8-week digital therapy. 

The team recruited 35 patients of the UK’s National Health Service and evaluated their acceptance through three online questionnaires and a post-study interview. They also assessed the clinical feasibility of the Mood Monitor by comparing clinical, usage, and acceptance metrics obtained from the 35 patients with a smartwatch and from an additional 34 patients without a smartwatch.

Findings showed that the smartwatch app was highly accepted by patients and revealed which factors facilitated and impeded this acceptance. The results also supported clinical feasibility of the intervention. Drawing on the findings, the paper provides guidelines for the design of self-monitoring on smartwatches. and reflects on the conduct of HCI research evaluating user acceptance of mental health technologies.

Additional authors of this paper include: Caroline Earley (Thread Research), Angel Enrique (Amwell Science), Corina Sas (Lancaster University, UK), Derek Richards (Amwell Science and Trinity College Dublin) and Gavin Doherty (Trinity College Dublin).

The paper is available open access here.