ADAPT Researcher features in Irish Times article discussing the growth of Digital Mental Health Support Services

12 July 2023

Dr. Camille Nadal, ADAPT postdoctoral researcher at Trinity College Dublin, was recently interviewed by the Irish Times to discuss the growth in popularity of online mental health support platforms since the Covid19 pandemic. Dr. Nadal explains that the pandemic has accelerated the surge in demand for digital therapy services, which is beneficial for those who may face difficulties in accessing their mental healthcare provider for various reasons. 

Dr. Nadal refers to Silvercloud as an example of digital therapy platform developed in collaboration with clinicians, validated with patients, and which the HSE started rolling out in November 2022. Digital platforms facilitate a much greater access for mental health support but as Dr. Nadal discusses in the article, there are still many challenges to be faced with regards to urban-rural divide, lower digital literacy, poor internet connection, among others.

Dr. Camille Nadal is an ADAPT postdoctoral researcher at Trinity College Dublin. Her work within ADAPT seeks to understand the challenges faced by human supporters of digital therapy, and their perspectives on working with AI assistants.

Read the full article here.