ADAPT Researcher Dr. Maria Grazia Porcedda explores ransomware attack on the HSE

27 February 2024

ADAPT researcher Dr. Maria Grazia Porcedda, Trinity College Dublin, recently authored an article published in the Irish Jurist (vol 74) that delves into the ransomware attack on the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE). This cyber assault, which occurred amidst the ongoing pandemic, is recognised as the largest in the history of the Republic of Ireland to date. The incident underscored existing vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure while highlighting the nascent state of the legal landscape in responding to such cyber threats.

Despite the heightened focus on cybersecurity in policy discussions, particularly in light of the concerns associated with artificial intelligence (AI), the legal framework remains in its early stages of development. Dr. Porcedda’s article examines the opportunity presented by the HSE attack to explore avenues for enhancing preventive and mitigative measures against cyber threats. The focal point of the article lies in evaluating the responses of key entities, including the National Cyber Security Centre, the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC), the Data Protection Commission, the Garda Cyber Crime Bureau, and the Courts, in the aftermath of the ransomware attack. 

Access the full publication here.