ADAPT partnered Art and Technology fest, Beta, launches successfully

13 November 2023

A new festival of art and technology, Beta, recently launched on 2nd November 2023 in various locations across Dublin 8. ADAPT is one of the Research Partners on Beta and ADAPT academics featured prominently at the Beta conference. The festival itself celebrates Ireland’s research and artistic communities through a combination of creativity, debate and experimentation. Visitors can engage playfully and critically with new technologies – essentially ‘beta testing’ ethical issues facing society.

The Beta conference took place from the 3rd to the 5th of November in the Bank featuring ADAPT academics Prof. Aphra Kerr (ADAPT, Maynooth University) and Dr Marguerite Barry (ADAPT, University College Dublin). The academics joined journalist Elaine Burke for a panel on ‘Navigating AI: National Perspectives on Policy and Regulation’ at the conference.

At Beta, ADAPT researchers also presented ‘The Ethics Studio’, a space where visitors can explore the ethical implications of new and emerging digital technologies, and examine attitudes, ideas, values and methods around the ethical design and development of such innovations. The studio is a live research environment, where ADAPT researchers will conduct studies over the course of the festival. These studies focus on using creative methods and tools to explore ethics and digital technologies. The Studio is presented by Dr Marguerite Barry, Dr Paul O’Neill and Danny Snow of ADAPT.

The Ethics Studio, and the accompanying Beta exhibition, continues in The Digital Hub and the National College of Art and Design (NCAD) until November 19th. 

Access the website here for more information.