ADAPT joins the National Youth Assembly on Artificial Intelligence

13 October 2022
Young people sitting around a table, discussing Artificial Intelligence at the National Youth Assembly on Artificial Intelligence.

As part of the Government’s national AI strategy, ‘AI Here For Good’ young people from across Ireland were invited to share their thoughts on the technology and how it can be used. 43 young people (aged 13-23) attended the National Youth Assembly on Artificial Intelligence at the Tangent ideas workspace in Trinity College Dublin (TCD) on 12 October 2022.

ADAPT researchers joined the exciting group of young people who are actively engaged in conversations around the future of our society, and hosted some short drop in workshops, exploring how AI works and how the technology might develop in the future. We also showcased Tactical Tech’s Glass House: Misinformation Edition exhibition, throughout the day and had some really invigorating conversations the young people present.

Speaking at the National Youth Assembly on AI, Ireland’s AI Ambassador Dr Patricia Scanlon said:

“Just about every industry you can think of is being disrupted by technology and AI today. AI will continue to dominate technological advancements for the foreseeable future. Therefore it is all our responsibility to ensure we adopt an ethical approach to AI that puts humans first, in order for society to benefit from the innovations that AI can bring, in areas such as healthcare, education, climate change, while mitigating the risks. To that end, I am excited to engage with the National Youth Assembly to understand the attitudes, awareness and fears of the young attendees in relation to AI, as well as hear their views about the role they believe AI should have in shaping their futures and the future of Ireland in the coming decades.”

ADAPT’s Education and Public Engagement team is delighted to support the National Youth Assembly on Artificial Intelligence in its meaningful engagement with the public on the development, governance and use of AI.