ADAPT DCU Academic wins 2022 IEEE Research Innovation Award

12 September 2022

ADAPT DCU Academic, Prof. Boualem Benatallah, has recently won the 2022 IEEE Research Innovation Award from the IEEE Technical Committee of Services Computing (TCSVC). Prof. Benatallah is a full professor of computing at Dublin City University (DCU, Ireland) and a fellow of the IEEE. 

This award recognises Prof. Bentallah’s outstanding contributions to model-driven services composition, QoS-aware Web services synthesis and Web service middleware automation techniques.

The IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES) are annually awarded with the intention of recognising outstanding individuals and teams within the services computing community and facilitating transdisciplinary collaborations.

Acknowledgement: Prof. Benatallah acknowledges the support of : (i) DCU Dublin and ADAPT SFI Centre for recent research on Services AI, (ii)  UNSW Sydney for over 2 decades of research on service oriented computing and its applications (before joining DCU in Jan 2022).