29th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2021, Coming to Dublin


This August, the 29th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2021, will be held in Dublin for the first time. EUSIPCO is the flagship conference of EURASIP and offers a comprehensive technical program addressing all the latest developments in research and technology in signal processing having impact in computer vision, speech processing, artificial intelligence and machine learning to name a few.

EUSIPCO 2021 will feature world-class speakers, oral and poster sessions, plenaries, exhibitions, demonstrations, tutorials, and satellite workshops, and is expected to attract many leading researchers and industry figures from all over the world.

Keynote speakers will include:

  • Walter Kellermann, professor for communications at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU), Germany.
  • Professor Sabine Süsstrunk, head of the Image and Visual Representation Lab in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC) at EPFL.
  • Rémi Gribonval, Research Director with Inria in the DANTE research group of Laboratoire de l’Informatique du Parallélisme at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, and the former scientific leader of the PANAMA research group on sparse audio processing at IRISA, Rennes, France.
  • Professor Antonio Ortega from the Electrical Engineering department at the University of Southern California (USC).


Full details are on the website: https://eusipco2021.org/