Kieran Fraser

Kieran works under the ‘Personalising the User Experience’ Theme in which he explores personalisation applied to push-notifications. His current role within ADAPT is two-fold: PhD Student & Research Engineer. Kieran has been working towards his doctorate and contributes to the EmPushy Project, which is funded by Enterprise Ireland to commercialise Kieran’s research on push-notification technology and subsequently hopes to form a spin-out company.

James Barry

James is a PhD Student at the School of Computing, Dublin City University. His research focuses on natural language processing, with a particular focus on dependency parsing. He is interested in applying machine learning algorithms for multilingual applications, under domain shift and in low-resource scenarios.

Gabriel Hogan

A resourceful Research & Innovation professional with extensive experience in the ICT domain. Proven strategic success in program negotiation, funding and management to deliver value to customers and stakeholders. A passionate innovator, leader and mentor. His research is focused on privacy, data provenance and consent management.