Symposium - Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection in the EU: (How) can we have it all?

Ethics, Privacy and Cybersecurity Workshop for Business

Is it possible to achieve cybersecurity while safeguarding privacy and data protection? Forming part of the EU Cybersecurity Month 2023, this conversation will bring together lawyers, members of the judiciary, national and EU policymakers, experts in standardisation, tech developers and representatives of national regulatory agencies to discuss the state of play of cybersecurity, privacy and data protection in Ireland and the EU. Using prompts from Porcedda’s 2023 book on cybersecurity, privacy and data protection, participants will debate challenges and identify solutions for the coexistence of these three fundamental objectives of our contemporary society.

This symposium has been organised by Dr Maria Grazia Porcedda, Assistant Professor in Information Technology Law, ADAPT Centre and Technologies, Law and Society research group.

The symposium will feature a roundtable discussuion featuring:

  • Richard Browne, Director of the National Cybersecurity Centre
  • Jacky Fox, Senior Managing Director, Accenture Security, Europe Lead
  • Dale Suderland, Deputy Data Protection Commissioner


Taking place in the Neill Lecture Theatre in the Trinity Long Room Hub at TCD, on the 26th October 2023 from 11am – 5pm.

Event registration can be completed online.

3 hours / CPD Points

Acknowledgments: With the financial support of the Trinity College’s Benefaction fund and the kind support of ICEL, the ADAPT Centre and Trinity Long Room Hub.

Further details are available online.