Recent cases of scientists falsifying and fabricating data threaten the credibility of the scientific community and provide impetus for new actions in support of good research practices. Although the number of serious violations is limited, the changing scientific environment presents researchers with a number of challenges, such as publication pressure, declining research funds, pressure to justify public research budgets and the promotion of public-private partnerships.

The goal of EnTIRE is to develop an on-line, open source Wiki based platform, designed by and for the RE+RI community: The Embassy of Good Science. The ambition of this community-based initiative is to make the RE+RI normative framework accessible, foster active participation of the scientific community, and support the quality of science by making knowledge and experience in RE+RI available and usable.

In terms of overall achieved objectives, the project has:

  1. Conducted and implemented the results of an in-depth stakeholder consultation across EU countries
  2. Made available a collection of the relevant normative elements, including RE+RI rules and procedures , a list of educational materials, relevant institutions and experts across EU countries and a collection of illustrative cases and scenarios
  3. Developed a user-friendly platform to facilitate access to RE+RI knowledge and experience, support application in research and evaluation and foster uptake of ethical standards and responsible conduct of research
  4. Fostered the further development of the RE+RI community, by establishing a collaboration with other EU funded projects in order to support further dissemination fostering sustainability

Learn more: http://entireconsortium.eu/

  • Start date: 1 May 2017
  • PI: Bert Gordijn - Partner
  • Acronym: EnTiRE
  • Title: Mapping Normative Frameworks for EThics and Integrity of Research
  • Website: http://entireconsortium.eu/
  • CORDIS: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/741782
  • Grant ID: 741782 : 741782
  • Overall budget: €3,770,000
Project Contact
  • Bert Gordijn