ELITE-S: Future Leadership in ICT Standards in Europe 

Elite-s is a postdoctoral fellowship programme for intersectoral training, career development and mobility.  They offer prestigious two year fellowships in technology and standards development addressing subject domains AI (4), Data analytics (2), Cybersecurity (1), Future Networks/Cloud (1) and Semantic Web (2).that are relevant at the current time.  It is an opportunity for any nationality to enhance their qualifications and diversify their competencies by completing a research project at a host institution in Ireland

The ELITE-S Fellowship Programme organised 3 calls for proposals and applicants were invited to submit a research proposal in line with one of the technology and applications areas in ELITE-S. 

  • Explanation of the work carried out by the beneficiaries and overview of the progress

At the final periodic reporting period, ELITE-S had already conducted 3 calls for proposals and redistributed remaining PMs to fellows who submitted an extension request. All 10 fellows addressed 5 of the 14 priority areas identified by the Irish state, those are: AI (4), Data analytics (2), Cybersecurity (1), Future Networks/Cloud (1) and Semantic Web (2). Our research programme continued to build on ADAPT, the world-leading Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centre for Digital Media Technology (https://www.adaptcentre.ie) hosted in Dublin City University (DCU) and its 6 academic partners: Trinity College Dublin (TCD), University College Dublin (UCD), Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin), Maynooth University (MU), Technological University of the Shannon (TUS), and Munster Technological University (MTU).

During all calls the European Charter & Code for Researchers was applied throughout the ELITE-S evaluation and selection process, guided by the principles of Excellence, Transparency, Fairness and Impartiality. The selection of fellows followed an open, transparent, merit-based, impartial and equitable selection procedure, in line with the GA and underpinned by international peer review. Table 1 below shows the recruitment status at the end of the final reporting period, October 2024


Our research fellows and their  significant outputs in fellows’ research

Fellow Activity Highlight
Beyza Yaman Organization of conference Organized the 4th International Workshop on Geospatial Linked Data at ESWC 2021
Conference presentation Paper “OntoConnect: Unsupervised Ontology Alignment with Recursive Neural Network” presented at SAC 2021 (Symposium of Applied Computing)
Community member and promoting female researchers Promoting female researchers in STEM as part of DBPedia women’s history month
Workshop organization Promoting GeoSpatial Linked Data at the Semantic GeoSpatial Web – Use Cases Workshop
Mohammed Al-Rawi Standards Committee Active participation in the NSAI Mirror committee as part of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 in Artificial Intelligence
ISO Standards contribution Contributed extensively to ISO standards such as Ireland national position on ISO/IEC DTR 24030
Moderation Moderated and facilitated discussions at AI: Ethical Challenges in the Digital Age.
Event leadership Leading Citizens’ Think-In event to discuss AI in society as part of the European Researchers’ Night 2020
Subhashis Das Award Best Young Researcher and Paper award at pHealth2022 in Oslo in November 2022.
A ceremony will be held on Friday 25th November 2022.
Standards Committee Active member of the NSAI National Technical Mirror Committee on Health Informatics Standards Consultative Committee (HISC) from the start of his fellowship 
Promoting MSCA values Actively engaged in promoting EU MSCA values to the wider research community.
Disseminating research Presenting a at the ADAPT Poster Booster session
Standards Activities Revision of ISO 13940 revision (i.e. formal ontology of contsys) and positive feedback received from ISO Technical committee (TC-215)
Tijana Milosevic Journal Publication Sage Journal Publication: “Time spent online and children’s self-reported life satisfaction in Norway: The socio-ecological perspective” https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/14614448221082651 
Special Issue Special issue at the International Journal of Bullying Prevention (2022) 4:1–5 “Artificial Intelligence to Address Cyberbullying, Harassment and Abuse: New Directions in the Midst of Complexity”
Funding Secured and application to ERC Secured funding to carry out the projects “AI in my life” in partnership with The National Anti-bullying Centre in DCU and the “FUSE Project” to develop a series of workshops on cyberbullying.
She has also submitted an application for the ERC starting grant 2022
Mansoor Ahmed Conferences Presentation at the IVI Summit 2022- Digital Transformation – Shaping the Hybrid Future.
International collaboration in a paper publication Collaboration with researchers from Pakistan, Italy, UK, and Korea to publish the study “Energy Theft Detection in Smart Grids: Taxonomy, Comparative Analysis, Challenges, and Future Research Directions”.
Promoting MSCA values Mansoor Ahmed named fellow of the week and supporting the promotion of MSCA values
Research Spotlight Research promoted at the IVI (Innovation Value Institute) https://ivi.ie/news/ivi-research-spotlight-dr-mansoor-ahmed/
Publication His article ‘VisTAS: blockchain-based visible and trusted remote authentication system’ was one of the top 5 most viewed at https://peerj.com/articles/cs-516/
ADAPT SciCon Presentation of his ELITE-S project at the ADAPT SciCon in May 2022
Alcardo Barakabitze Guest Editor and organization of special issue Guest editor and organization of the Special Issue on “Multimedia Communication in 6G and Beyond Networks” at MDPI
Impactful publication Publication “SDN and NFV for QoE-driven multimedia services delivery: The road towards 6G and beyond networks” in ScienceDirect
Journal article Publication in IEEE “Supervised-learning-Based QoE Prediction of Video Streaming in Future Networks: A Tutorial with Comparative Study”
International collaboration in a paper publication Collaboration with researchers from Italy, Australia, and the UK in the publication entitled “Supervised-learning-Based Quality of Experience (QoE) Prediction of Video Streaming in Future Networks: A Tutorial with Comparative Study”.
Muhammad Salman Pathan Secured another Postdoc position  Secured a Postdoc position in Maynooth University, one of the institutions affiliated with the ADAPT Centre
Impactful publication 2 impactful publications at IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science 2021
1) Analyzing the Impact of Meteorological Parameters on Rainfall Prediction
2) Day-ahead Forecasts of Air Temperature
Invited talk Invited to present 3 papers at PIERS 2021 (PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium) in China: i) Analysing impact of time on early detection of rainfall event; ii) Efficient forecasting of precipitation using LSTM, and iii) Estimating ground-level nitrogen dioxide concentration from satellite data.
Bruno Andrade ADAPT SciCon Presentation of his ELITE-S project at the ADAPT SciCon in May 2022
Publication Impactful publication “Stool and Ruminal Microbiome Components Associated With Methane Emission and Feed Efficiency in Nelore Beef Cattle” at Frontiers
Publication Impactful COVID-19 related publication: “The role of respiratory microbiota in the protection against viral diseases: respiratory commensal bacteria as next-generation probiotics for COVID-19” in J-stage
Grant application Submitted an application for the ERC Starting grant 2022 call.
Permanent Position Secured a permanent lecturer position at Munster Technological University, his ELITE-S host institution
Advisory position in international project Both Dr Andrade and his supervisors were invited to be members of the advisory board of the project “The Nelore Hologenome” funded by Fapesp, Brazil.
Jamsheela Nazeer ADAPT SciCon Award Best researcher contribution award at the SFI ADAPT 3rd Annual Scientific Conference. 
Project funding support Supported her team in securing funding for the new ADAPT and Trinity Translational Medicine Institute project “PARADISE”. She has joined the team of researchers in this project.
Publication Autoantibodies towards HFE and SYT5 in anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibody-associated vasculitis relapse. Link.


The objectives of the programme are to:

  • Provide a state of the art research environment in the area of ICT standardisation related to the programme’s core research areas that will stimulate and challenge researchers while developing them as research leaders of the future
  • Provide fellows with industry-specific training and secondments in priorities sectors including 5G, Internet of Things, Cloud computing, cybersecurity and data technologies
  • Implement a transparent evaluation and selection process for recruitment
  • Provide an attractive and supportive working environment for fellows where they are truly inte-grated into ADAPT and their academic host


Parallel to the organisation of the calls,  training and development opportunities were organised for the fellows from and the first summer school was run virtually due to social distancing measures in place and lockdown restrictions.

Learn more: https://elite-fellowship.eu/

  • Start date: 1 Oct 2019
  • PI: Markus Helfert Coordinator
  • Acronym: ELITE S
  • Title: Future Leadership in ICT Standards in Europe
  • Website: https://elite-fellowship.eu
  • CORDIS: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/801522
  • Grant ID: 801522
  • Overall budget: €2,265,600
Project Contact
  • Markus Helfert Coordinator