Elite-s is a postdoctoral fellowship programme for intersectoral training, career development and mobility. They offer prestigious two year fellowships in technology and standards development addressing subject domains AI (4), Data analytics (2), Cybersecurity (1), Future Networks/Cloud (1) and Semantic Web (2).that are relevant at the current time. It is an opportunity for any nationality to enhance their qualifications and diversify their competencies by completing a research project at a host institution in Ireland
The ELITE-S Fellowship Programme organised 3 calls for proposals and applicants were invited to submit a research proposal in line with one of the technology and applications areas in ELITE-S.
At the final periodic reporting period, ELITE-S had already conducted 3 calls for proposals and redistributed remaining PMs to fellows who submitted an extension request. All 10 fellows addressed 5 of the 14 priority areas identified by the Irish state, those are: AI (4), Data analytics (2), Cybersecurity (1), Future Networks/Cloud (1) and Semantic Web (2). Our research programme continued to build on ADAPT, the world-leading Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centre for Digital Media Technology (https://www.adaptcentre.ie) hosted in Dublin City University (DCU) and its 6 academic partners: Trinity College Dublin (TCD), University College Dublin (UCD), Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin), Maynooth University (MU), Technological University of the Shannon (TUS), and Munster Technological University (MTU).
During all calls the European Charter & Code for Researchers was applied throughout the ELITE-S evaluation and selection process, guided by the principles of Excellence, Transparency, Fairness and Impartiality. The selection of fellows followed an open, transparent, merit-based, impartial and equitable selection procedure, in line with the GA and underpinned by international peer review. Table 1 below shows the recruitment status at the end of the final reporting period, October 2024
Our research fellows and their significant outputs in fellows’ research
The objectives of the programme are to:
Parallel to the organisation of the calls, training and development opportunities were organised for the fellows from and the first summer school was run virtually due to social distancing measures in place and lockdown restrictions.
Learn more: https://elite-fellowship.eu/