AI in My Life

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most transformative innovations of our time. While AI offers substantial benefits to individuals and society, it has major implications for privacy, ethics and security. 

The ADAPT Centre offers a free modular workshop programme to help Transition Year (TY) students navigate the Age of AI successfully and safely. 

Programme Aims

Through interactive workshops, students will:

  • – Learn about AI and how it works
  • – Uncover some of the ethical and privacy implications of AI
  • – Evaluate the role of AI in their lives and in society
  • – Learn how to protect their digital privacy
  • – Explore AI careers and related further study options

AI in My Life has been co-created with TY students and teachers in partnership with the DCU Access service in order to ensure it resonates with students.

Programme Format

AI in My Life is a teacher-led classroom workshop series. Teachers don’t need any prior knowledge of AI in order to deliver the programme. ADAPT’s Education and Public Engagement team will provide training for teachers, and the course toolkits will provide teachers with background information and a walkthrough of each of the modules. We will also be available if you have questions at [email protected].

Our AI Ambassadors can visit your school if you’d like in-person support.

Flexible Modular Structure

The modular structure of AI in My Life gives schools the flexibility to pick and choose modules to suit the time they have available, ranging from 40-60 mins. for a single module to 6-8 hours for the entire course.

You can commence the programme at any time during the school year.

Workshop Themes

Introduction to AI
Introduces students to AI – what it is, the increasing role it is playing in our daily lives, and what it means to be “intelligent”.

AI and Ethics
Looks at how AI affects the wider public and society, and what kind of ethical issues we might consider when developing such technologies.

  • AI and the Future of Work
    Examines how AI is transforming the world of work. Students will learn how AI will disrupt some jobs while replacing others, and they’ll explore the multidisciplinary nature of AI.

AI Careers
Highlights to students the wide variety of careers and future study options available to those interested in working with AI. Students will hear from AI professionals about their work and learn how to find out about relevant options for further study.

Try Out Our Taster Workshop

If you’d like to explore AI in My Life, we’re offering a 2-hour taster workshop to schools in spring 2024. Our AI Ambassadors (ADAPT researchers and trained undergraduate students from our partner universities) can visit your school to deliver a taster workshop designed to give you and your students a flavour of the programme.

Contact us at [email protected] if you’re interested in taking this taster workshop.

Syllabus Connections

The interactive and reflective nature of AI in My Life ensures that students will hone the five key skills central to teaching and learning across the Transition Year curriculum:

  • Information Processing
  • Being Personally Effective
  • Communicating 
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Working with Others


The STEAM focus makes the AI in My Life content relevant to the following Leaving Certificate subjects:

Leaving Certificate Applied Leaving Certificate
  • Technology
  • Politics and Society
  • Computer Science
  • Design and Communication Graphics
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Business
  • Economics
  • Mathematics
  • Engineering
  • Technology
  • Social Education
  • Science
  • Information and Communication Technology – Specialism

Who has developed this Programme?

AI in My Life has been developed by ADAPT’s researchers and education and public engagement experts, in collaboration with DCU Access, the Future of Privacy Forum, the Lero research centre, and the INTEGRITY Horizon 2020 research project. The programme is funded by SFI Discover and supported by Amazon Web Services. We have welcomed new partners for the 2023/2024 school year including DCU’s Anti-Bullying Centre, Maynooth University Access Services, Midlands Science and Mary Immaculate College.

  • How Do I Sign Up?

Register your interest by completing this short form.

If you are interested in registering as an individual please complete this form. 

On registering your interest, you’ll be provided with access to the course resources.

Contact us at [email protected] if you’ve any questions.

Project Contact