HELIOS: A Context-aware Distributed Social Networking Framework

The HELIOS project, led by ADAPT researcher Keniv Koidl, will design, implement and validate a state-of-the-art, peer-to-peer federated social media network that addresses the dynamic nature of human communications in three dimensions- contextual, spatial and temporal- while providing all necessary means to ensure the highest level of trust and privacy. The project implements a user-friendly solution for creating and managing social networks and its core scope is to facilitate democratisation of content production, promotion and monetisation. 


The project will also reduce development cost and deployment complexity of any social media application built on top of it, implementing technologies and tools following a modular strategy which ensures continuous development beyond the scope of the project and maintaining basic features of security and robustness. As a unique value proposition, the project will overcome the closed ecosystem stigma and will re-define the term “social media platform” by creating a foundation for co-operating social networking services. The novel distributed context-layered model in which different types of services (private and public) can form symbiotic existence.


The objective of this project is to:

  1. Produce an aging-resilient platform
  2. Providing a real-life social experience, online
  3. Facilitating easy content production and delivery
  4. Investing in a developer-friendly architecture
  5. Ensuring the platform’s growth and resilience


HELIOS has the ambition to become a disruptive force in the European social media landscape and aspires to lay the foundation for a new social network vision grounded on transparency and verification.

  • Start date: 1 January 2019
  • Grant agreement ID: 825585
  • PI: Kevin Koidl
  • Role: Partner
  • Title: A Context-aware Distributed Social Networking Framework
  • Acronym: HELIOS
  • Year: 2019
  • CORDIS: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/825585
  • Overall budget: € 4,999,601,25
Project Contact
  • Kevin Koidl