Teresa Lynn

Research Fellow

Status: Former Member

Email Address: [email protected]

Dr. Teresa Lynn is a Research Fellow at the ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology in Dublin City University. Her PhD was awarded under a cotutelle agreement between Dublin City University and Macquarie University, Sydney in 2016. Teresa’s main interests lie in developing tools and resources for Irish language technology. She is the principal investigator on the GaelTech project, funded by the Irish government Department of the Gaeltacht, which covers various research topics such as Irish treebank and parser development, and the automatic processing of both Irish language text on social media and Irish multiword expressions. Other project activities include the ELRC (European Language Resource Coordination), ELRI (European Language Resource Infrastructure), the National Digital Plan for Irish, LITHME COST Action and the Universal Dependencies Project. Teresa also worked in industry for several years, namely in the areas of localisation, NLP and machine translation.

Research Domains
  • Data Management
  • Languages
  • Linguistics
  • Machine Translation
  • Natural Language Processing
