Dr Sheila Castilho

Assistant Professor

Email Address: [email protected]

Sheila Castilho graduated in Linguistics and Education from the UNIOESTE University in Brazil. She holds a joint Master in Natural Language Processing from the University of Wolverhampton –UK and the University of Algarve – PT. She completed her PhD dissertation at Dublin City University in 2016. She was an Irish Research Council Research Fellow at the Adapt Centre. She is a programme committee member of a number of machine translation and NLP conferences (ACL, EMNLP, WMT, RANLP, EAMT and COLING) and has acted as a reviewer for high-profile journals (Natural Language Engineering, the Machine Translation Journal, Language Resources, and  JosTrans). She was part of the TraMOOC and iADAATPA projects. She has authored  several journal articles and book chapters on translation technology,  post-editing of machine translation, user evaluation of machine translation,  and translators’ perception of machine translation – over 40 publications to  date. She is a co-editor of the book ‘Translation Quality Assessment: From  Principles to Practice’, published in 2018 by Springer. She is also a co-editor  of the Machine Translation Journal special issue on ‘Human factors In NMT’,  published in 2019. She is the co-chair of the conference New Trends in Translation Technology (NeTTT’22). Her research interests include machine translation, post-editing, machine and human translation evaluation, document-level machine translation, usability, and translation technologies. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor at the School of Applied Languages and Intercultural Studies, and the programme chair of the Master in translation Studies and the Master in Translation Technology.

Research Domains
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Languages
  • Linguistics
  • Machine Translation

Publications by Sheila Castilho