Dr Qian Xiao

Research Fellow

Email Address: [email protected]

Dr Qian Xiao is a Human+ programme fellow from the Computer Science and Engineering Research Strand. Xiao is based in the ADAPT Centre and her research is focused on the development of Computing Technology with insights informed by the Arts and Humanities. She is working closely with her academic mentors Prof Vincent Wade (School of Computer Science and Statistics) and Prof Keith Johnson (School of Education) to address challenges encountered in embedding AI techniques with educational settings to enhance educational practices.

In her Human+ project, she is investigating novel machine learning approaches for learner modelling with user behaviour data in intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs).  Specifically, she is exploring deep learning techniques and graph representation learning methods to utilise rich information captured by the ITS to generate informative insights for the education domain. Her work aims to identify the cause of the inefficacy of users’ learning strategies in ITSs automatically.  In addition, it also explores a mechanism that provides interpretable explanations, which will potentially reveal insightful patterns that suggest effective interventions in the education context.

Research Domains
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Deep Learning
  • Digital Humanities
  • Machine Learning
