Dr Niall Murray


Email Address: [email protected]

Niall Murray is a Lecturer with the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, in the Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT), Ireland. He is founder (in 2014) and principal investigator (PI) in the truly Immersive and Interactive Multimedia Experiences (tIIMEx) research group in AIT. He is a Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Funded Investigator (FI) in the Adapt Centre, the global Centre of excellence for Digital content and Media Innovation (since 2018) and an associate PI on the Enterprise Ireland funded Technology Gateway COMAND. His current research interests include immersive (AR & VR), human-centric AI, multisensory multimedia communication and applications, multimedia signal processing, quality of experience, and wearable sensor systems.

Research Domains
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Quality of Experience
  • VR and AR
