Prof Annalina Caputo

Assistant Professor

Email Address: [email protected]

Annalina Caputo is an Assistant Professor in the School of Computing, Dublin City University and she is the Academic Lead for MSc in Artificial Intelligence for ICT Skillnet. Dr. Caputo is an academic collaborator of the ADAPT centre where she works on topics related to personalisation, information extraction and retrieval, and natural language processing. Prior to this appointment, Dr. Caputo was an EDGE COFUND Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action research fellow in the ADAPT centre at Trinity College Dublin in the domain of Temporal Aware Personalised Information Retrieval. She co-organised three evaluation campaigns, QA4FAQ, NEEL-IT and DIACR-ITA at EVALITA. She was also Sustainability Chair at ICMR 2020.
She serves regularly as reviewer and program committee member for a number of workshops and national and international conferences, such as ECAI, AAAI, ECIR, SIGIR, LREC, SAC, WWW, ISWC, CLIC-it. She has attended several IR conferences and workshops, such as SIGIR, IIR, CLEF, TPDL, and UMAP.

Research Domains
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Behavioural Analysis
  • Data Analytics
  • Digital Humanities
  • Entity Extraction
  • FinTech
  • Information Retrieval
  • Knowledge & Data Engineering
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Personalisation
  • Semantic Representation
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • User Centric Design and Modelling
