Prof Andrew Hines

Funded Investigator

Email Address: [email protected]

Dr. Andrew Hines is an Assistant Professor at University College Dublin. His primary research interests are in applying machine learning for applications in speech, audio and video signal processing. His research group, QxLab, specialises in Quality of Experience for Listening and Media Technologies. Active research projects are investigating the use of computer models in a variety of domains including: tele-meetings, virtual reality, audio, video, health and security. His group has active collaborations with international industry and academia. Projects have been funded from a variety of funders including EU H2020, SFI, IRC and industry. He is a committee member of the Audio Engineering Society (Ireland) and is a senior member of the IEEE. He is currently the Director of Research, Innovation and Impact for the School of Computer Science at UCD.

Research Domains
  • Audio
  • Data Analytics
  • Deep Learning
  • Digital Humanities
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Image and Video processing
  • Machine Learning
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Quality of Experience
  • Speech
  • Standards
  • User Centric Design and Modelling
  • VR and AR
