Huawei Presents ADAPT PI with Distinguished Collaborator Award

20 January 2021
Huawei Presents ADAPT PI with Distinguished Collaborator Award

Posted: 10/01/17

Professor Qun Liu was recently presented with a Distinguished Collaborator Award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Huawei research as a Principal Investigator in joint research projects between ADAPT and Huawei.

The collaboration saw Professor Qun Liu along with researchers at the ADAPT Centre make significant progress in task-based dialog translation, with innovations especially in dropped pronoun translation and named entity translation. The Machine Translation system is currently being used internally in Huawei and has improved communications among employees in the company who are located in different countries and significantly enhanced the productivity of the whole company.

From this project a number of high quality patents have been applied for and five high quality research papers have been published at top conferences and journals including ACL, IJCAI, NAACL and ICASSP.

Huawei Technologies Noah’s Ark Lab is a research lab is based in Hong Kong and Shenzhen and aims to make significant contributions to both the company and society by innovating in data mining, artificial intelligence, and related fields.  Research within the lab aims to advance the state-of-the-art and harness the products and services of the company at each stage of the innovation process.

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